Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Brooklyn We Go Hard

I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of wish I had MTV.

Well...just for like one hour. This Wednesday night. But that's it!

"The Real World" is actually taking place somewhere cool and familiar to me - BK - and it starts this week.

But alas, it already looks like it won't be very "real." I'm sure I'd get a good few laughs out of the motley crew that's shoved in the posh apartment in NYC (so real, right), and then quickly I'd get annoyed at how they continue to visit the "hottest" Manhattan clubs, get wasted, get in fights, get kicked out and get arrested. And surely take about 120,384 cabs throughout the season, never having to sit on the F train at 3 a.m. for 45 minutes to get back home. Fo real.

From this preview which I find slightly brilliant and totally hilarious, it seems that the cast is comprised of an even more ridiculously unreal swath of characters than ever before.

I think my favorite line is in the last paragraph:

"As Chet explains when he lands in the borough, speaking just under the Brooklyn Bridge: “Brooklyn is usually spoken of as more of a place you don’t want to end up.” He is worried he might be shot." (Thank you for that wit Ms. Bellafante.)

I think Chet, the Utah native has been bumpin Jay-Z and Lil Kim on his iTouch...a bit too much. Maybe he'll get a reality check - pun intended - when he realizes a luxury waterfront loft in Red Hook isn't exactly the projects.

If you watch the premiere on Wednesday, please fill me in on all the hilarity - especially if you live in New York - because I'm sure you'll then be even more amused and I can live enviously and vicariously through your Real World watching!

1 comment:

  1. somehow I still get excited about these stupid shows. Makes me feel young. :)
