Thursday, April 29, 2010

2010 will be the LAST year I don't own a smartphone

Mark my words. I will not go another year (after this one, seeing as I JUST got a new phone) without either a Blackberry or an iPhone. You're probably all thinking, "How could you not already HAVE one?!"

I know, people, I know.

It's just sad.

And as if I wasn't sad enough - I get the following message on my G-mail from none other than THE Paul Mass:

Paul: hey kelly...we launched MAC cosmetics mobile today...check out on your phone

To which I replied:

me: excuse me
is this spam??

and the conversation continued...

Paul: you use mac stuff, don't you?

me: haha yes - i am a MAC makeup artist
but this sounded like a spam message

Paul: no, its real

me: wow
that's great!
except i don't have a smart phone
i have an old school, non-blackberry, non-iphone

Paul: still works
as long as you have web

me: ok
how do i get there
i mean i visit the MAC site like daily
but how do i get to whatever you created

Paul: get to the web on your phone
just go to

me: i can't go to the web on my phone!
that's my point

Paul: you should blog about it :) (which I'm obviously doing)
somewhere, buried in that old phone is the web somehwere

me: yes but i believe it charges me like a million dollars a second to transfer any kind of data -
and to be honest, i wouldn't even know how to get there

Paul: ok, just thought i'd mention it
you can also sort of see what it looks like on your comp
by going to and make the browser skinny

Well - let's just say that going to the website on my COMPUTER, and making the browser "skinny" is essentially the equivalent of going to Magnolia Bakery and getting a black coffee. If you're not gonna get the cupcake, why bother going? And if you don't have a smartphone, why bother with the super-cool app?


Hence my needing a new phone.

Like, yesterday.

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